Wednesday, December 30, 2009

It's All Turned Around When I Accepted Me

It’s the end of 2009 and the end of a DECADE. It went fast, didn’t it? As the year and decade comes to the end I’ve been doing a lot of reading and pondering about what has been and what is to come. Guess what? The next decade is going to be great! One book I came across is an inspiring small little book filled with affirmations that we can all benefit from--especially any woman who is going through an unexpected life transition be it a breakup, divorce, or loss or any type. Just one minute a day with Sonja Samuel’s little book WHEN I ACCEPTED ME can help you push through the pain and jump into hope and happiness. Here’s an interview with Sonja about this fun book:

Victorya: Sonja, Why write about accepting yourself and self-esteem and what are you meaning?

Sonja: Self esteem is the extent to which we like, respect and accept ourselves. It encompasses our beliefs, emotions and behavior. It has been said that 2 out of 3 people at any given time suffers from low self esteem, and low self esteem can negatively affect every part of our lives. The way we think is essential to winning over negativity and boosting self esteem.

Victorya: I agree we all have negative self-talk going on that can be very defeating. Why is self-esteem important to you?

Sonja: Self esteem is important to me because after dealing with a difficult separation and divorce, I found myself struggling to rebuild my self esteem. That whole experience had taken me down a road of despair and depression like I had never experienced before. High self esteem had never been a problem for me so when life became difficult and it challenged me to question myself, I was completely thrown for a loop. It caused me to question my self- worth and value, and in the end I really struggled with accepting myself. I started thinking something must be wrong with me. I had gotten lost in my emotions when it really was about what was going on in my head. High self esteem starts with what we think! Sometimes we suffer from ‘thinking stinking’ and that can present a different set of issues; overall, I learned that to develop high self esteem we must examine what we think because that is what shapes our perspective and allows us to accept ourselves along with the challenges of life from a more positive perspective than negative one. That’s why I focused my book on positive affirmations for accepting me.

Victorya: What are some things we can do each day to help build our self esteem?

Sonja: Here are seven simple steps that we all can do to help our self-esteem: 1) Smile often to yourself and to others. Greet others when you see them and ask how they are and how their day is going. This helps build positive relationships with others. 2) Eliminate the negative. When a negative thought enters your mind, stop and immediately counter it with a positive thought about the same subject. 3) Be nice to others and be nice to yourself. Conversely, don't degrade others and don't degrade yourself. 4) Face your fears and forget your failures (after learning from them). Focus on your achievements and successes. Reward yourself when you succeed. 5) Quit thinking about trying to be perfect. No one is, so just accept that as it is. Don't be too competitive and don't compare yourself with others. 6) Don't worry about what others think of you. Just be the best you that you can be. And 7) Hang out with positive and optimistic people who also have high self esteem and self confidence. But when you are around negative people, try to direct your positive and optimistic thoughts in their direction. Don't let them pull down your level of self confidence or self esteem.

Victorya: This all sounds I've read your book! How can my readers get their hands on their own copy of your fun book of affirmations?

Sonja: WHEN I ACCEPTED ME can be ordered from my website at It would be a great way to start the year and to recharge for the coming year. We are extending it at our special introduction offer of $14.95 because we want to get the book out into as many hands as possible. For me it is a tool for empowering others which is my personal mission in life.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Snow on Christmas Eve!

We had beautiful 70 degree weather yesterday in Dallas/Fort Worth and today it's snowing! Yea! Isn't that how life is. One day is one extreme and the next is another. I find hope in that--especially on days that are really the pits. Next time your day brings you more than you can bear remember Scarlet O'Hare's famous words "After all, tomorrow is another day." And hold on to hope. Just know God has a personal plan for your life and it is for you to win! My favorite passage of scripture is Psalm 139. Read it this Christmas Eve along with Luke 2--the ultimate gift for all.

Merry Christmas 2009 and may 2010 be filled with blessings for you and yours!


Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Choose to Change Your Thoughts!

I was given this CD series Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life over a year ago after appearing as a guest on Jennifer Crow's show HER VICTORY. It sat on my shelf until two days ago when I cleaned out my office and the title intrigued me. I've completed 2 of the 5 CDs. Wow, it was really great. Our negative habitual thought patterns (which we all have) really keep us from being all we can be! If you aren't exactly where you want to be and have ever felt like you "self-sabotage"--hello that's me!, you'll want to order this series. It can change your life! Way to go Jennifer Crow. Thanks!