Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Aw the most romantic day of the year....or is it?

To some it is, to others it's stress and depression.

If you are single, make this a day to pamper yourself. Do something fun just for you. Don't go out to a restaurant  tonight as it may bum you out to see so much romance. But do think about hitting a chick flick or other movie. Or catch up on your favorite TV shows you've missed by going to

For those who are married, enjoy tonight if you've planned to, but no pressure to do anything big. A simple "I love you" may be all you need. It really depends on your personality and what has been set up as the expectation thus far in your relationship. For some it's no big deal, to others it's as big as the commercial hype in the media.

Check out my article on my top 3 secrets for making this a romantic evening, if you're in the mood to enjoy it:  Three Ways to Make This Valentine's Night Sizzle

Whether you go out of stay in, Happy Valentines Day to you and yours.

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